ABK Gathering of the Clans 2022 Blog Karate Muay Thai Kickboxing News Uncategorized by Glen Archer - 2022-10-232022-10-230 Hey everyone! Grab your ticket to this year’s ABK Gathering of the Clans - the end-of-year celebration for members of ABK Freestyle Martial Arts and Muay Thai Kickboxing. 6.00pm Saturday 10 December 2022 @ the Mansfield Tavern, Mansfield. Families are welcome. Tickets available here: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=929063&fbclid=IwAR0G4Tm4tcnC2VBBnt7kV1CXKWbyKOQhzoHFbWrhGO-eEgczy3rpivfDVeQ Cheers,Hanshi Glen